Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to turn this situation around

1. Have an attendance policy and stick to it.
All absences must be notified to the coach before hand or they are considered unexcused. If you are sick from school, the absence is excused and no added conditioning. For all other excused absences:
1 absence= 100 updowns and no start
2nd abscence= 100 updowns and no first half
3rd absence= 100 updowns and no dress
This is on a weekly basis.
3 unexcused absences a year and you are removed from the team. Once you quit or are removed there is no coming back.
2. Build a weight program and require kids to attend.
3. Run a systematic offense. I would recommend running something that is not run in your league ala double wing or Navy Flexbone.
4. Build relationships with everyone.
5. Teach fundamentals over scheme.
6. Do it your way, you may get fired, but if you do the job wasn't worth it.
7. Teach character over winning.
8. Create high expectations for the classroom.
9. Don't accept background as an excuse.
10. Drug test, if it is legal and there are funds.

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